Error type.
Enumerator |
SKW_PEER_ERR_BROWSER_INCOMPATIBLE | The client's browser does not support some or all WebRTC features that you are trying to use.
SKW_PEER_ERR_DISCONNECTED | You've already disconnected this peer from the server and can no longer make any new connections on it.
SKW_PEER_ERR_INVALID_ID | The ID passed into the Peer constructor contains illegal characters.
SKW_PEER_ERR_INVALID_KEY | The API key passed into the Peer constructor contains illegal characters or is not in the system (cloud server only).
SKW_PEER_ERR_NETWORK | Lost or cannot establish a connection to the signalling server.
SKW_PEER_ERR_PEER_UNAVAILABLE | The peer you're trying to connect to does not exist.
SKW_PEER_ERR_SSL_UNAVAILABLE | PeerJS is being used securely, but the cloud server does not support SSL.
Use a custom PeerServer.
SKW_PEER_ERR_SERVER_ERROR | Unable to reach the server.
Expected errors are as follows.
・Could not connect to server.
・There was a problem with the request for the dispatcher. Check your peer options and network connections.
・The request for the dispatcher was aborted.
・The request for the dispatcher timed out. Check your firewall, network speed, SkyWay failure information
・Connection failed. Unexpected response: ${http.status}
・The dispatcher server returned an invalid JSON response. have no signaling server domain in JSON.
・The dispatcher server returned an invalid JSON response.
SKW_PEER_ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED | The underlying socket closed unexpectedly.
SKW_PEER_ERR_UNAVAILABLE_ID | The ID passed into the Peer constructor is already taken.
Expected errors are as follows.
・Room name must be defined.
・"${roomName}" is already used as different room type. Please try another room name.
・SFU room functionality is disabled for this apikey.
・An error occurred joining the room. Please wait a while and try again.
・An error occurred getting log messages. Please wait a while and try again.
・An error occurred getting users in the room. Please wait a while and try again.
・An error occurred requesting offer. Please wait a while and try again.
・An error occurred handling answer. Please wait a while and try again.
・A SFU room is only joined up to 1000 times.
SKW_PEER_ERR_WEBRTC | Failed to authenticate.
SKW_PEER_ERR_ROOM_ERROR | Failed to authenticate.
Expected errors are as follows.
・"timestamp" can\'t be in the future.
・Credential has expired.
・"authToken" has already expired.
・"ttl" is too large. Max value is ${maxTTL}.
・"ttl" is too small. Min value is ${minTTL}.
・"authToken" is invalid.
SKW_PEER_ERR_SIGNALING_LIMITED | Signaling-Server is not available because the monthly Signaling-Server usage limit for Community Edition has been exceeded.
SKW_PEER_ERR_SFU_LIMITED | SFU is not available because the monthly SFU usage limit for Community Edition has been exceeded.
SKW_PEER_ERR_TURN_LIMITED | TURN is not available because the monthly TURN usage limit for Community Edition has been exceeded.
SKW_PEER_ERR_UNKNOWN | Unknown error.